Executive Council

Name: Jacob Peter Lugwisha
Position: President & Co-Founder of Respect for Diversity
Tel: +255 715 201 907 / +255  757 204 301
E-mail: jacobpeteravel@gmail.com

Name: Carlos Namahuta
Position: Vice-President of Respect for Diversity
Tel: +255 716 31 69 51
E-mail: cnamahuta@gmail.com

Name: Mariam Abdalla Said
Position: Director of Procurement, Supplies and Events Co-ordinate
Tel: +255 774 888 102  / +255  678 566 605
E-mail: abla.mamu05@gmail.com

Name: Mary Daniel 
Position: Director of Finance and Administration
Tel: +255 xxx xx xx xx
E-mail: xxxxxx@xxxx.com

Name: Haji Masoud Ibrahim (Heargy da Best)
Position: Director of ICT
Tel: +255 774 392 306 / +255 672 548 850

Name: Shami Othman Rajab
Position: Director of Law & Conflict Resolution
Tel: +255 772 999 097

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